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The Great Cart Project

What is The Great CART Project?

The Great CART Project stands for: The Great Citizens' Antimicrobial Resistance Together Project. 

Goal: To promote both awareness and research on antimicrobial (AMR) around us through engaging citizens including individuals, family, school, and corporate groups.


We already know that AMR affects us all and it is a threat to humans, animals, plants and the environment. Therefore, fighting AMR is a truly global endeavour which must be addressed through a One Health approach where all sectors aka everyone including citizens must join forces. 

Currently, antimicrobial resistant microorganisms are discovered retrospectively mainly after they have been implicated in disease and fatalities. This means we are constantly playing catch up in the fight against AMR, especially if the organisms are uncommon/unknown opportunistic pathogens with unknown AMR gene phenotypes.

However, what if we knew the AMR phenotypes of as many organisms in our immediate environments or ecosystems before they cause disease? We would be better equipped not only to accelerate diagnosis but to offer correct treatment and strategies for reducing AMR around us.


The project will follow the One Health approach to harness the power of citizen science/participation to broaden our understanding of the AMR around us

Step 1:  Sign up yourself or organisation to contribute and receive a unique code to track progress.

Step 2:  Receive research kits and instruction

Step 3: Send sample back to The GCP Centre at Queen’s University 

Step 4: Track results of your sample and receive summary report on AMR

Step 5: Share your results and ideas for AMR control strategies.


It has already begun! 

However, the project will be officially launched during the Northern Ireland Science Festival which is from 16 to 26 February 2023. Join us for an information session on AMR and submit our first lot of samples. 

Email us via to find out more and  get involved.

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